Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Show Cancelled Due To Lack Of Interest!

Adventure # 37 A Scary Film

As long as I can remember, I have had a huge love for scary films. I can remember all the way back to the age of three years old. I was in Jersey and my sister was suppose to be watching me. I remember sneaking up to my Grandpa's room and turning on the latest "Horror Movie!" I laid there, tan and bug-bitten tiny legs stretched out and totally engulfed in the Movie Jaws. OK... all you younger people do the math. I was three and Jaws came out in 1975, so there ya go. Anyways, I actually remember being anxious, being scared and being in love with the trill of something I wasn't suppose to be watching. Now, my love life of scary movies has reached new levels. I have been known to force people in my lives to watch them, and I am looking for a someone that shares the love of REDRUM, I see Dead People and M. Night Shyamalan as much as I do.  I am not into the "oh wear did my top go? I guess I will just run into the woods with no shoes on in the middle of no where and go look for it????!!!" Yep, not really my style, I like the ones that make you think. Here is a link of the top 50 scariest films of all time according to the Boston Globe. I have actually seen all but three. Check it out! Well, how does all this pertain to Brutus? Well, Brutus is the new main character in my ongoing scary film. He is constantly sneaking up on people, biting my friends and frankly scary the living crap out of them! This weekend, I needed two brave friends to look after the beast during my work week. Well, out of the kindness of the hearts; they said YES! This is a home movie of my Friend Jess and Doug entering what seems to a murder scene. The Lights are low, the beast is no where to be found. And what is most thrilling? It has a Blair Witch kind of feeling. The scene is shot through a smudged window and out of nowhere HE APPEARS!! Startling Eyes, glowing green and ready to POUNCE!! Seriously, this scene gets even scarier at the end. Besides the humping and casual Rape of my friend Jess, the camera just shuts off. Who knows if they made it out alive? Who knows the truth? The camera and Brutus are all that's left. The smell of shame and an unsettling evil lurks over the living room. And you the viewer are left with questions and concern. There is disgust. There is fear! You Tube Time!

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