Monday, July 25, 2011

Toss and Turning

Adventure #43 Counting Sheep!

Toss and Turn. Roll over get some water. Bark. Bark. Cough. Cough. It's Too Hot in Here! I can't stand this pillow! Friday Night, It's 3 A.M. and I have to be back at work at 10. 7 hours you say no problem. Well, not when your mind and heart are racing with questions and concerns. It's not gonna happen. I am up and so is The Beast! He's restless and ready for a late night adventure. I put on my finest don't rape me tonight sweats and head South down Osprey Ave. We are out peeing, pooping, drinking some fine Walgreen's Chablis and oh yeah the best part... Window Shopping. With all the stores closed now at 4 A.M. I am safe from a shop-my-feelings-credit-card-melt-down...we proceed. We first stop at his second favorite Dog Shop called, "Woof Gang Bakery." I say 2nd cause Duh, my homemade cookies are his favorite. Hello! They are named after him for Brutus sake! I like the store displays and all the cute accessories in this quaint place but the sales lady/owner is such a pretentious bitch! We take a pic and proceed. He lunges across the street too his favorite dog bowl hole and at 4:30 A.M. even my, "I know every bartender in town," isn't gonna get one tonight! It's crazy; that he remembers landmarks in his neighborhood, is it crazy that we are still out?  Maybe he is smarter then I think. We head past Morton's, if you don't live here which I am assuming my Bangladesh people have never been...(so weird.) Morton's is a Gourmet very expensive market. People there pay at least 75% more then they would down the street but with their sweaters tied to one side of their THIS YEARS's acceptable! The store is pretty cute though. I think I opted too splurge one day and got a pound of $26 dollar coffee. It's still in my pantry. Our last stop, while we crissed-crossed...(JUMP JUMP) on the way home was C-Cup and Up! It's a men's and woman's underneaths store. I like their window displays but easily pass aka stubble by after Legends but "someone" wanted to peruse these goods. Brutus was so interested in the mannequins. I don't know if he thought they were actual people, I don't know if he felt he needed a pair of Star Wars Boy Briefs but he wanted in! We took pictures of him poising as if he was the next "IT THING!" So, I gave in and sat there for awhile and tried to breathe and relax. All of sudden the time passed us by and I realized just how late it was. A runner fully equipped with dual water bottles and headlight ran passed us! Um.... this guy has already been to bed and I am still up! Yep, need to get back. On the way home, I actually got tired. He seemed over it too. Shopping Bag less, my wine drip less, it was time for bed. We didn't need to count sheep. We just needed a late night stroll and some $46 cute panties to put us into a 2 hour coma. Nightie Night.

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