Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Good Company

Adventure #31 Our Nightly Dinner Specials

When is the last time you really sat down and enjoyed a meal? On a daily basis, most people that I am around are eating in their cars, chowing down chunks before they head into work or eating in front of the T.V. I sadly, am the last one. I, single or not have always enjoyed sitting in front of that other boyfriend of mine...the T.V. He is always on time, always up at the wee hours of the night and always ready to give me force fed pleasure. Though for the moment it is fine, I realise that most things today are rushed and unenjoyable. Seriously, when is the last time YOU sat down, exhaled, sip a nice glass of red and bit softly into a steak? O.K. O.K. all the "monogamy daters" out there, I get it. You are all like, "Oh, Oh, Me, Me!" Yeah well great. I'm not talking to you. I am talking about the over rushed couples, kids climbing all over you single Dad's and the famous Not Ever Settling Single Sally's. Yes, You! I realized that being rushed in life or rushed to be with someone else finds you actually at a standstill. You are never able to get anywhere.  I love that my dog Brutus enjoys just the simplest of things. He enjoys watching lizards from his window, he loves the soft curve of my leg but he also really, really, enjoys his plain, dry, dog food. That food is like us loving Ramen Noodles. Or perhaps Spam. In college it was consider routine but today in our "somethings," lets step it up and order a nice ass steak tonight! I want to sit down with the most embarrassing bib you have ever seen and cut into that juicy, mouthwatering sizzler! I wanna have my mouth drip and ooze out of each crevasse that there is. Though, if this were an actual fantasy, I guess I wouldn't want to have my mouth dripping with steak juice... Right? There would probably be a pretty cute male suitor sitting in front of me and saying, "get this crazy glutton pig away from me." So that is the question for today. The Steak or the suitor? If I had to go with my gut, I honestly would pick the steak. Yeah, Yeah, not for life but for now. This goes out to all my really close friends, it's time to stop worrying about me. I will be fine, fed and happy that I can have my steak and eat it too. For tonight I included a video for all you to enjoy! My Boyfriend Brutus sits patiently and waits for one of the smallest things in life! If it happens to be Dry Dog food or the nearest T-Bone shop, it's all good. Now, if I could just get him to pick up the check!

 P.S. Sorry it is on it's side. Most things around here are upside down anyways.

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