Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pooped Out!

Adventure #33 Out Of Order

I hate when daily life gets in the way of life. Do you ever wake up and realize that you just do things to get to the next day? The next paycheck, the next trip to the bank, the mailbox, the coffee shop. I hate when a day quickly turns into a week, and a week into a month. I cannot believe it is June already. I feel like I have not been home since December. Working on various projects will do that to you and I am spent. The worse part is the state of my house and sadly the neglect of my dog. He has been at Daddy's a lot lately and the house feels really empty. I feel like I have been running around like crazy and have nothing to show for it. I am still single, still not a millionaire and still; still. The more I run around, the more I feel like I haven't been anywhere. We need a break. I realized yesterday, that I haven't been on any kind of vacation since Sept. 2009. Funny Enough, that is the same month I got Brutus. I went to Minnesota and came back and purchase my new problem child! A bunch of my friends, (mostly couples) have been going on fishing trips,  exotic cruises and Cabo San Please Take Me With You Excursions. I on the other hand, have went to Prospect Street and Starbucks. Oh yeah and work. I realized that unless you have a ton of other single friends on the same boat of life, you will never reach port. When I was a "we," WE went everywhere! Day trips and long weekends were all mindfully scheduled. So now I am making up a new schedule. October = The Keys! Who's Coming With Me? But before I set sail, I have a list of musts!

1. Must remove Balls from Male Roommate.
2. Must get bigger life jacket for mutt.
3. Must teach dog, big shark.. bad no swim.
4. Must teach dog to come back when called.
5. Must teach dog to catch a snook.
6. Must if all else fails...use dog for chum.

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